What are spiritual practices?

As we launch in 2024, we once again look forward to jumping back into the spiritual practices. Spiritual practices are simply invitations to let Christ form our heart, soul, mind, and spirit. They equip us to live fully and freely in the present reality of God. Spiritual practices are where we receive and respond to God’s constant love, support, affections, and affirmation. The practices help us re-center ourselves in all seasons of life. They are where we learn the secret of the “easy and light yoke” in Christ.

It is easy to think of spiritual practices (or commonly known as disciplines) in terms of legalism or as simply another task to add to an already busy ‘to-do’ list. When we do this, we are entirely missing the point of the disciplines. The disciplines are not about doing something for God, or earning righteousness from God. Disciplines do not earn us favor with God or measure spiritual success.

We enter into these practices as an active response to God’s love.

Helpful Books and Resources:

  • Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton

  • Celebration of Disciplines by Richard Foster

  • The Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas Willard

  • Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by Adele Calhoun

Blogs and Articles:

Following Jesus Together: Share

Prayer Care Share

This is a unified effort of the RVC church family to build relational bridges with unbelievers through consistent prayer and care for them, eventually leading to God-given opportunities to share with them the beautiful message of Jesus. 

Eph. 6:19; 1 Pet. 2:12; Col. 4:2-6


It is not only a privilege, but vitally important to pray for unbelievers, since it is God alone who opens their eyes bringing salvation. Identify a few people you feel led to pray for who need salvation.  List their names and pray for them regularly.   

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Ask God to...

- show you ways to care for them

- open their hearts to the need for Jesus

- open the door for you (or others) to share 


One of the best ways to show Jesus and build a relationship with others is to Care for them in tangible ways.  


There are many different ways to lovingly and boldly share Jesus…  

- Invite to a Church Service, Alpha, or Event

- Share your “Jesus Story”

- Ask if you can share with them how to follow Jesus (simple presentation, tract, etc.)

Remember to persevere in this process. It may take years of our prayer, care, share lifestyle before some will believe.

Following Jesus Together: Prayer

Because Jesus loves us, we are passionate followers. Just like with any relationship, communication is vital.  We hear best from God by reading His Word, and we talk to God through prayer. This bookmark is Part 2 to help facilitate a Daily time with God.


The following are tips to make prayer more relational and meaningful. 

When to Pray?

  1. Daily Set Aside Prayer

Set aside a regular daily time to pray.

2. Praying Always

Seek a God awareness all through the day.  

(asking, praising, thanking, confessing, etc.)

How to Pray?  P-R-A-Y

The P-R-A-Y acronym is an excellent guideline, helping our prayer to be more balanced and Biblical. 

P Praise

Examples:  Adoring God’s character; Thanks; Singing; Praying a Psalm, etc 

R – Repent

Confess all known sin to God.  Ask Him to reveal any sin for which you are unaware.  

A – Ask

God desires that we bring our requests to him with childlike confidence.  Examples: Needs (others & ours); God’s will & guidance

Y – Yield

The importance of daily surrender to God.  Jesus is our perfect example when he prayed - “Father… not my will but yours be done.”

Following Jesus Together: Daily

Because Jesus loves us, we are passionate followers. Just like with any relationship, communication is vital. We hear best from God by reading His Word, and we talk to God through prayer. This outline is designed to help facilitate a Daily time with God.

The Word - The following are tips on how to better know God and feed ourselves spiritually.

Plan - Choose your own plan or scan the QR code to the right.

Pause and Pray - Before you read, pause, and ask the Spirit what He wants to show you.

Picture the Word - Seek to understand the setting and purpose of the Biblical book you’re reading. A Study Bible can be helpful.

Ponder the Word - Ask S.P.A.C.E. questions…

  • Sins to Confess?

  • Promises to Claim?

  • Actions or Attitudes to Avoid?

  • Commands to Obey?

  • Examples to Follow (or not)?

Pick One Thing - What is one thing that God showed you? Jot it down for reflection.

Pass It On - One of the great privileges we have Following Jesus Together is sharing with others what God is teaching us.

> Check out the spiritual practices from 2023 here.

> Check out the spiritual practices from 2022 here.